Why Bulk SMS OTP Service is Reliable and Secure?

why bulk sms OTP service is reliable and secure

Ensuring precise and instant security solutions to consumers with advanced growth in technology is no easy task. Though, internet feasibility enables easy access of network points whenever necessary, safety is a concern. Secured places where user name and password is required to access the network transaction authorization is at a niche. The static password, which is changed when necessary is based on subjects and emotions like Birthdays, Children name, Relations and Likes etc, which get easily hacked as they are cached in hardware. Hence a standard security process has become necessity for Organizations to secure customer transactions. One Time Password or OTP services is increasingly gaining popularity as a solution for the problem.

How does an OTP service work?

OTP solution provides two factor authentications as it enables consumers to prove their identity twice, first with the password, authenticating the network access point and then with an OTP authenticating the authorized access. This process highlights that every time the user logs-in, a pseudo security norm is generated to check the authenticity validating the session only once thus securing a transaction.

To send OTP there are three possibilities– Voice, Email and SMS. The OTP sent via Email requires Internet feasibility by the end user to proceed with the transaction. Likewise, an automated voice announces OTP to the customers upon initiating an incoming call to a specific number from the registered mobile number. The internet connectivity and call challenges, irrespective of industry type made Text feature a reliable technique to adopt as SMS is cost effective, fast and simple option without an Internet use. It also provides a secure platform for all transactional procedurals in a fraction.

Why Bulk SMS is a preferred medium for sending OTP’s?

In the fast moving technological era, it is essential to secure the confidential transaction. Authenticating the authorized access in bulk is not an easy task.  Mobile being handy and people often checking it facilitated SMS as a comfortable option to transmit security pins to bulk population competitively. Bulk SMS is a fast and reliable platform for quick transmission of information.

SMS Striker, a Bulk SMS platform efficiently transmits OTP’s authenticating online transactions of your customers. OTP services offers a dynamic Password or Pin that is valid only for one transaction or session and gets expired within a short period of time.

SMS Striker with maximum TPS, multiple operator connectivity, redundant gateway servers, powerful and secure API suites have made OTP service expedient.


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